La Trainera

La Trainera - Madrid
Madrid has the reputation to be The city in Spain for fish and the seafood and in Madrid one of the great references for fish and seafood is La Trainera.
Do not trust with misleading appearances of this restaurant: rustic tables without tablecloth, tavern looking… The fish here is delivered by plane and its freshness is never choked by complicated recipes. A la plancha most of the time, all these dishes are wonder of simplicity: gambas with garlic, merluza, turbot, grilled hake, zarzuela, and dozens of different seafood. So perfect that it is for example a kind of HQ of contemporary artists… You can trust them!!
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Address : Lagasca, 60
Zip code : 28006
City : Madrid - Spain
Area : Salamanca
Website : La Trainera - Madrid
Opening hours : From 1:30pm to 4pm and for 8pm to 11:30pm. Closed on sunday
Prices : 80€
Phone : 00 34 91 576 80 35
Metro/Bus : Serrano, Velazquez