The Madrid Guide
The Madrid Guide
The Madrid Guide
The Madrid Guide

Weather in Madrid - 7 day forecast - Madrid Weather

Current conditions

Passing clouds. Cool.
Temperature9 °C Comfort Level9 °C
Wind Speed2 km/h Barometric Pressure1023.03
Wind DirectionNorth Humidity71 %

Expanded 7 - Day Forecast
Day     High Temp. Low Temp. Wind Speed UV Index
Wednesday Scattered clouds. Cool. 17°C 3°C 6km/h Moderate
Thursday Mostly sunny. Cool. 16°C 3°C 6km/h Moderate
Friday Afternoon clouds. Mild. 19°C 3°C 7km/h Moderate
Saturday Morning clouds. Mild. 18°C 2°C 17km/h Low
Sunday Sunny. Mild. 21°C 4°C 8km/h Moderate
Monday Increasing cloudiness. Mild. 23°C 5°C 6km/h Moderate
Tuesday Sprinkles late. Overcast. Cool. 17°C 8°C 23km/h Minimal

26/03/2025 3:08 am

Madrid yearly monthly averages
Avg Low Avg High Avg precip
January 10° 2.75 cm
February 12° 2.00 cm
March 16° 1.8 cm
April 18° 2.77 cm
May 11° 22° 3.44 cm
June 16° 29° 1.38 cm
July 18° 32° 0.85 cm
August 18° 32° 0.85 cm
September 15° 27° 1.74 cm
October 10° 20° 4.71 cm
November 14° 3.87 cm
December 10° 3.68 cm

Your comments : Weather in madrid spain

too hot
- grr
(7 Jul 2016 - 10:00)
34, 36°C and more... it's really too hot in madrid lately... can't anymore
great temps
- pina
(1 Oct 2014 - 11:00)
love madrid when temps and weather is cool like these days! yesss
great temps
- io
(2 Jun 2014 - 08:00)
coming soon to madrid.. Cool to see these temps and weather!
seems cold for madrid..
- tfg
(7 Feb 2014 - 09:00)
thought it was hoter in feb in this area, but will do it!
beautifull week to come
- peter
(3 Oct 2012 - 10:15)
great to come to madrid soon to enjoy 29°.. yeah
wow.. 31..32
- nicee
(9 May 2012 - 10:00)
Great sunny weather to come with 32°.. just fine for me;-)
- syt
(2 Apr 2012 - 08:45)
comme toujours pour Pâques il pleut... grrr
pas mal la météo à madrid!
- moi
(28 Feb 2012 - 08:45)
étonné de la chaleur à Madrid en cette saison.. Le reste de l'europe est encore un peu dans le froid mais pas
belle météo.. Trés bien
- monsieur soleil
(15 Feb 2012 - 09:45)
Content de voir cette belle météo à venir à Madrid. Le froid semble passé cette fois-ci!
Travel to Mdrid
(18 Jul 2011 - 10:45)
As I have planned to travel to Barcelona and Madrid during the first half of September, I felt happy visiting your site

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