Communications in Madrid
You can keep in touch with family and friends while in Madrid either by traditional methods or by using the latest technology. Making a phone call is as easy as pie: you’ll find telephone booths in most places. Remember to send postcards, they are always much appreciated by those you’ve left behind… and you can also send a cyber card from our web site! For speed: send an e-mail from any of the many cyber cafés you will find in Madrid.
- How to call Madrid from abroad
Dial the international code 00 followed by 34 for Spain, then the number.

Example for a Madrid number: 00 34 91 555 55 55
- How to call from Madrid to another country
Dial the international code 00, the code of the country, then the number without the first 0.
33 for France
1 for USA
49 for Germany
44 for UK
39 for Italy
11 (AT&T) or 19 (MCII) for US
16 for Canada (0 800 99 30 16 AT&T Canada)
- How to use your mobile in Madrid
Contact your mobile phone operator who will confirm whether or not your mobile is compatible with the Spanish network and also explain how you will be charged for calls received from your own country or that you make while abroad (local and international calls).
Connection with the Spanish network
Some mobiles from other countries don’t automatically connect with the Spanish networks. All you need to do is choose the option “network selection” on your mobile to manually make the connection. You must have roaming authorized by your home company.
In order to use your mobile in Madrid and in Spain , it should be compatible with GSM 900 or GSM 1800 norms. If this is not the case, or if it is not working, you have the possibility of hiring a mobile phone in one of the many specialist boutiques.
Don’t forget that you’ll probably need a plug adapter in order to be able to charge up your mobile phone. Mostly for UK and US phones
- Post in Madrid

A postcard or a letter to send in Madrid?
Correos is the Spanish mail company. You can post them in one of the yellow letter boxes found on most street corners. Stamps can be bought in post offices or any tobacconists (Estancos). A letter weighting up to 20g costs €0.62 for any EU countries, €0.78 for the US, Asia and Australia.
The post office is recognizable by its yellow and blue chevron sign. Most post offices are open from 8:30am to 2:30pm, Monday to Friday, on most cities. In major cities offices open 8:30 till 9:30 and Saturdays from 8:30 till 2:00pm. Closed on public holidays..
Good to know : The concierge services of the larger hotels can also post stamped mail for you.