The Madrid Guide
The Madrid Guide
Guide du Tourisme à Madrid
Guide du Tourisme à Madrid
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Hespen & Suárez

Hespen & Suárez est un traiteur très réputé à Madrid, tellement réputé qu’il a fini pas ouvrir des boutiques. On peut y manger sur place mais l’astuce et d’y faire ses courses dans l’épicerie fine où l’on trouve des produits du monde entier et plus particulièrement des produits espagnols comme un délicieux turron (le nougat espagnol)..
Les trois adresses actuelles

  • C/ Barceló 15, Madrid - +34 902 259 125
  • C/ Orense 22, Madrid - +34 915 567 156
  • C/ Enrique Velasco 34, Madrid - +34 913 339 07

Dernier commentaire

Me (21 fév 2011 - 14:00)
This is the sort of place that has come to believe its reputation is enough. The establishments are completely "pijo", meaning all cost, no substance, what the Brits might call "posh" or the Americans might simply call "stoopid".

If one wishes to purchase luxury/gourmet products, there are places to do so in Madrid that charge a fair price. If one is seeking to eat well, just about anywhere else in the city will do, including neighbourhood bars and cafés.

What is unfathomable to me is why one would purchase low-quality merchandise at incredibly high prices. Then again, I've never purchased an article of clothing because of its name or logo, nor have I purchased an item to "stick it" to my neighbours.

If you happen to find yourself outside one of these establishments, keep walking, they're all bark and no bite...


Hespen & Suárez

Adresse : Plaza de Herradores, 4

Code postal : 28013
Ville : Madrid - Espagne
Quartier : Centro
Site web : Hespen & Suárez - Madrid
Horaires d'ouverture : De 8 à 22 heures tous les jours
Tél. : +34 902 259 125
Métro/Bus : Puerta del Sol


Vos commentaires : Hespen & Suarez

- Me
(21 fév 2011 - 14:00)
This is the sort of place that has come to believe its reputation is enough. The establishments are completely "pijo", meaning all cost, no substance, what the Brits might call "posh" or the Americans might simply call "stoopid".

If one wishes to purchase luxury/gourmet products, there are places to do so in Madrid that charge a fair price. If one is seeking to eat well, just about anywhere else in the city will do, including neighbourhood bars and cafés.

What is unfathomable to me is why one would purchase low-quality merchandise at incredibly high prices. Then again, I've never purchased an article of clothing because of its name or logo, nor have I purchased an item to "stick it" to my neighbours.

If you happen to find yourself outside one of these establishments, keep walking, they're all bark and no bite...

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Vos Derniers Commentaires

2003 - 26 mars 2018 - 22:30
Bobby Michael - 4 jan 2018 - 20:15
To my beloved city Madrid
Ms Rocha - 4 jan 2018 - 20:15
Check in today
Nancy - 26 oct 2017 - 22:30
Tickets to the Oct. 14, 2017 game
Monique BONHOMME - 2, avenue du Languedoc 35000 RENNES France - 26 oct 2017 - 22:30
Je voudrai découvrir Madrid en 3 J. Un plan de la ville me serait nécessaire