The Madrid Guide
The Madrid Guide
The Madrid Guide
The Madrid Guide

Tags search : Tetuán

Search for "Tetuán" returned 3 matches

Restaurants > Iboo

Address : Sor Ángela de la Cruz, 17
Opening hours : From 8am to 0:30 am - Sunday from 11am to 4pm
Phone : 00 34 91 570 25 95
Metro/Bus : Tetuan, Cuzco

Iboo is the first chain of great Mediterranean cuisine healthy and fast according to its chef Mario Sandoval.

Shops > Álvarez Gómez

Address : Castellana, 111
Opening hours : Open Monday to Friday 9am to 1:30pm and 4:30 to 8pm; Saturday 10am to 2pm
Phone : +34 915 555 961
Metro/Bus : Cuzco

Founded in 1899, the house Álvarez Gómez is the most former perfumer of Spain.

Restaurants > DiverXo

Address : Calle Pensamiento, 28

Opening hours : 1pm to 3:30pm and 9pm to 11:30pm // Closed sunday and monday and from 6 to 20 of August
Phone : +34 915 700 766
Metro/Bus : Tetuán, Cuzco

A one star Michelin restaurant, a new address more roomy and trendy, for a more then ever creative cuisine: DiverXo is “the” restaurant to discover in Madrid...

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