The Madrid Guide
The Madrid Guide
Guía turística de Madrid
Guía turística de Madrid
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La Farfalla

El restaurante La Farfalla en Madrid propone una cocina mediterranea.

El precio medio a la carta es de 18,00 €.

Último comentario

La Farfalla - Lo mellhor en Madrid
das_thunder (20 jul 2010 - 22:45)

After, let's say, 4 weeks in Spain (divided by 4 trips that I've made) this is the best restaurant that I've ever been, till now, in this country. The food is lovely (I do recommend the risotto w/ the mushrooms, prawns and parmesano and the home made apple strudel - just delicious both of 2). The ambient is quite weird at the beginning but then it's like we were at home... simple decoration but very . The waiters were awesome and we have found that one of them was Brazilian... a pleasure to ear someone speaking in Portuguese! So... If I go to Madrid again... I'm sure that's place that it will deserve my visit again!!!


La Farfalla

Dirección : Santa María, 17
Código postal : 28014
Ciudad : Madrid - España
Teléfono : +34 913 694 691


Sus comentarios : La Farfalla

La Farfalla - Lo mellhor en Madrid
- das_thunder
(20 jul 2010 - 22:45)

After, let's say, 4 weeks in Spain (divided by 4 trips that I've made) this is the best restaurant that I've ever been, till now, in this country. The food is lovely (I do recommend the risotto w/ the mushrooms, prawns and parmesano and the home made apple strudel - just delicious both of 2). The ambient is quite weird at the beginning but then it's like we were at home... simple decoration but very . The waiters were awesome and we have found that one of them was Brazilian... a pleasure to ear someone speaking in Portuguese! So... If I go to Madrid again... I'm sure that's place that it will deserve my visit again!!!

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Duration : 4 días / 3 n...
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Clasificación :
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Clasificación :
Duration : 5 horas
Clasificación :
Duration : 4 horas
Clasificación :
Duration : Variable
Clasificación :
Duration : 4 horas
Clasificación :
Duration : Variable
Clasificación :
Duration : 10 horas

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